Beach Wedding Theme
The Warmth And
Glow Of The Sun and the occasional spash of waves make your
beach wedding theme wedding a hit.
Time and place
for your wedding are very important. It can even
influence your choice of wedding themes including the popular
beach wedding theme.
This is
especially true with beach and summer weddings. Summer is a
popular season for marriages and so many of the decorations and
gifts have already been well considered by wedding planners
over time. Your beach wedding theme can make a serious
event really fun for everyone.

Perfect Beach Wedding.
All Groaned When I Said I Wanted To Get Married At The Beach...
But The Groaning Turned To Excitement (And Envy) When I Showed
Them How Stress Free, Inexpensive, And Easy It Would
following the beach wedding theme tend to be more regional and
influenced by the type of beach. Your beach wedding
theme can easily reflect the specifics of your
You may choose
to conduct the wedding at a park beside the water, or on a
large boat, or at the end of a long pier.
Several years ago, I
conducted a wedding at the end of Navy Pier in
Chicago. The waves from Lake Michigan were large that day
and you could hear them loudly crashing against the pier.
Occassionally, we felt the spray from one of the larger
Everyone gathered at the end
of the pier, and then a guitarist played as the bride came
walking down the pier. It was probably the longest bridal
march on record, but the anticipation was

In keeping with teh beach
wedding theme the couple recited their vows and celebrated
at the end of pier surrounded by Lake Michigan.
On another occassion, I
performed a wedding on Chesapeake Bay at a beautiful
marina. There was a large park with a lighthouse and a
beautiful white shelter beside the water. There were
large and small boats moored at the marina and it was a perfect
day for a wedding.
Following the beach wedding
theme, the group loaded up in three large boats following the
ceremony and took a ride on Chesapeake Bay.
A beach wedding theme allows
you to take advantage of the natural surroundings of water,
sun, and sky. It can simplify your decorating issues and
make your wedding truly memorable for your guests.
Your ceremony may reflect the
nautical or beach setting with the wedding messages, pledges,
vows, sand ceremony, or other elements personalized for this
special beach wedding theme.
Your wedding reception may
also take advantage of the surroundings. You may include
a boat rides, swimming, hikes, or just a relaxing event
surrounded by the beauty of your beach wedding
But, what if you like the
idea of a beach wedding theme and live in a place with out a

Wedding Themes And
An Excellent Source Of Unique Wedding
Books and
Theme Ideas. What if you get married
in the dead of winter?
You can still have your beach
wedding theme. There are loads of wedding supplies,
accessories, favors, and themed items available through our
wedding store that you can hold your beach wedding theme event
almost anywhere and anytime.
Plan you
beach wedding theme with thoughts of sun,
beach, swimming, boating, and the warm comfortable
feelings associated with the beach.
Think bright
warm colors such as red, blue, green, yellow or orange.
Colors are one way we connect with the places and

Create Your Own Wedding
Guide To Creating
Wedding Flowers.

Use flowers
related to the beach and sea. For more inland
localities its always a great idea to use the flowers that are
well known in your area in the warm summer
If your
setting does not fit the beach wedding theme, change it with
decorations, murals, table settings the reflect your
Not all beach
wedding theme events are the same. A wedding on a beach on Lake Michican will be
very different from one held on the Gulf Of Mexico or
beside the Atlantic Ocean. Use the specific location to achieve
your dream beach wedding theme.
As always
consider the cost when budgeting for items for the reception,
shower, and ceremony. Check out all the great resources
in our wedding store. You can save time and money by
ordering online at:
Matching the
theme is a good artistically but you don't have to break the
bank in the process.