What is
the role of a wedding coordinator?
A wedding coordinator is
the one person responsible for planning, budging, organizing,
coordinating, and monitoring every aspect of the wedding and
associated events. It is quite common for a
professional wedding coordinator to manage bridal
showers, pre-wedding parties, rehearsal, ceremony, reception,
and even assisting with honeymoon plans.

Hiring a professional wedding
coordinator is quite popular today. While it may
not be essential and it can be expensive; someone must assume
the responsibilities of a wedding coordinator over every
aspect of the events. This is vital to insure the success
of your wedding.
Many couples will attempt to
manage these details themselves, but the larger the events
become, the more critical it becomes to have a capable person
manage these details for the bride and groom.
Sometimes, you have a Maid of Honor,
friend, or relative who especially adept at organizing
things. Frequently, couples will divide up the
responsibilities and spread the duties. Still, someone
must coordinate all of these details.

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Often smaller wedding s can be
managed without a professional wedding coordinator . The
minister, bride and groom usually can handle planning and
execution of the wedding rehearsal and wedding ceremony, but
the minister seldom gets involved in pre-wedding parties
and organizing wedding reception.
Often the best
man can manage the bachelor party; the maid of honor may handle
the bachelorette party and/or bridal shower; and
reception. In simple terms, someone must step up to
manage the planning, budgeting, organizing, coordinating, and
monitoring of each event.
Often, the bride and groom will
enlist a professional wedding coordinator to manage only
specific element of the wedding process. At other times,
they may hire a coordinator to manage all aspects of the
wedding event series. It is entirely up to the wedding
couple and the services offered by their chosen wedding

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When you begin interviewing
potential wedding coordinator s, you should ask the candidates
for coordinator what services they provide.
Often the coordinator will have a group of subcontractors
or associates who specialize in certain
For example, a
coordinator may delegate the catering to one
person; and delegate flowers and decorating to someone
else. A capable wedding coordinator has access to
the key resources you will need and as a couple, it is smart to
take advantage of these connections.
The wedding coordinator
should be able to advise you on every detail of the planning
even if they do not personally manage it for you.
An effective wedding coordinator will ask you loads of
questions and offer you a wide range of options. Based on
your choices, the coordinator can facilitate the whole
One of the first questions a good
coordinator will ask you is how much money do you have to
spend. Establishing a working budget is
coordinator can anticipate expenses you might well over
look. If they know you have X dollars to spend, they can
scale different parts of the event to reach a balanced

For example,
if you have a $10,000 budget, the coordinator can help
you budge adequate funds for flowers, decorations,
wedding dress, catering, and all those little details that slip
in unexpectedly unless you have a capable coordinator
controlling expenditures. If one item increases in
cost, another can be adjusted to maintain a balanced
The cost of your wedding
coordinator may be established as a set fee for specific
services provided or set as a percent of the overall wedding
budget. In any case, it is important to remember that
your wedding coordinator works for you, with you, and
represents you. Be sure you and your coordinator
are always on the same page.
A result of employing a capable
wedding coordinator , you will be able to enjoy your wedding
free of undue stresses, worries, and anxieties. Your
wedding coordinator may well be your best friend during
your wedding activities.

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