Wedding Vows Involving Children

What do you do if you want to get married, but one or both of you have Youngsters? The Youngsters may be from prior marriages or other circumstance. The challenge of dealing with Kids is always a big concern.  The solution may be wedding vows involving children.

If the Kids are left out of the wedding, they feel excluded. The solution may be wedding vows involving children.


If the Kids are forced to participate in some awkward manner, the Kids resent it.

There are no rules, no easy prescriptions. There are only very sensitive feelings and a need to launch a family. There are, however, some practical considerations.

Begin the process of building appropriate relationships by considering the capabilities, needs, and desires of Youngsters and adults. Kids do not have the maturity or experience to deal with adult situations, therefore, adults must be supportive of their emotional needs.

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Here is The Book: Wedding Vows Involving Children.
If you have children, you need this resource today.

Adults can make the transition to a new family easier by first settling their own feelings and then guiding and supporting the development of Kids and their personal adjustments.

Children do not want to be ignored, overlooked, or abandoned. They look to the adults in their lives to provide security, stability, love, and acceptance.

Prevent problems by building positive relationships with the Youngsters. Help the Kids accept the new adults in their lives before wedding pressures develop.

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Dysfunctional families result for a lack of consideration, love, and acceptance. Everyone suffers. The aim of every family should be to create an atmosphere where each family member feels accepted, loved, and secure. The solution may be wedding vows involving children.

Approach the wedding with caution. Build a solid foundation by establishing positive connection with each family member. This will foster positive family relationships.

So what do you do? Consider wedding vows involving Kids.

Susan is a twenty eight year old mother with an eight year old son named Todd. Susan has decided she wants to get married. The adult couple understands that Todd will be affected, but they are hoping it will be a positive experience for them all.

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After talking about the situation for a few minutes, I suggested that a meeting be planned that included the boy. At the meeting, we would discuss the upcoming wedding. The solution may be wedding vows involving children.

Todd attended the next planning session. He was genuinely excited about the possibility of having a new father and family. He thought it was great that his new parents would include him in their special moment.

There were many options available to include Todd, but the choice that appealed most to all three was creation of special wedding vows involving Kids. The solution would be wedding vows involving children.

The vows involving Todd were added to the usual vows. These were the words.

Bride: I love you my son. I will always love you. I promise that I will provide for you and protect you for the rest of my life. I love you, Todd.

Groom: Todd, I love your mother and I love you. I am not replacing your father, but I want to love you as a son. I promise to love you, provide for you, protect you, and encourage you as son.

Todd: Thank you Mom and (name) for loving me. I want you to be my parents and I will do my best to honor you as my parents.

Celebrate love and family together with your Youngsters. It will go a long way toward launching your family. The solution was wedding vows involving children.


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